Why is this fudge so good? It has 6 antioxidants, all anti-inflammatory ingredients, and tastes better than sugar. It will actually take inflammation out of your body instead of putting it in (like sugar does). It’s part of the process I use to heal my body to get un-addicted from sugar.

Here’s why I use the ingredients I do:

  • Honey and coconut oil: anti-viral, anti-bacterial, loaded with natural energy.
  • Peanut butter: loaded with a heart-healthy saturated fat and resveratrol (same enzyme as purple grapes).
  • Raw cacao powder: a plant flavonoid, one of the top 5 antioxidants on the earth, helps raise your good cholesterol level (HDL), satisfies chocolate cravings.
  • Raw dairy: every vitamin known to mankind and all 22 amino acids that are 100% bio-available to your body.
  • Vanilla: just tastes good!


Rankinshire Fudge

Why is this fudge so good? It has 6 antioxidants, all anti-inflammatory ingredients, and tastes better than sugar. It will actually take inflammation out of your body instead of putting it in (like sugar does). It’s part of the process I use to heal my body to get un-addicted from sugar.


  • 1 c melted cold-pressed, extra virgin, real organic coconut oil (melt it in 4c. or larger glass container sitting in hot simmering water—not microwave)
  • 1/2 c raw cacoa powder
  • 1/2 c raw organic honey
  • 1/4 c raw organic fresh ground peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp raw milk
  • 2 tsp organic pure vanilla


  • In a bowl, mix all ingredients with hand mixer until well blended.
  • Pour into silicone molds (available here). Refrigerate until set.
  • Pop-out ‘truffles’ and store in refrigerator in a covered container. Eat several per day!


Mix-in options (put in molds and pour chocolate mix over): organic nuts and dried fruits, grated ginger, fresh berries, pepper flakes, etc.

I find it funny how doctors in America routinely tell us that the state of our health is defined by our family health history and genetics when they have never even met our parents or grandparents and have no idea what their lives included.  When we tell them that our parents had cancer, diabetes or heart problems, doctors always blame it on genetics.  The truth is that our parents and grandparents may have been raised on a diet that was highly inflammatory and without proper nutrients.  If doctors are telling you that you are sick because your parents or grandparents were, then you should shop for a new doctor immediately.

I will tell you how we change the unhealthy gene pool in our family:  we teach our offspring the secrets to life.  In 99% of cases of poor health, the problem is not genetics.  In defense of the doctors, they are not taught good nutrition in medical school and most work ten-hour plus days and learn new remedies from pharmaceutical reps.  To those few doctors who study nutrition and truly help others with their knowledge– I give you a thumbs up. Unfortunately, those are far and few between.

Humans have been healthy for thousands of years and are still healthy in countries where folks eat a diet of anti-inflammatory foods.  Whole foods heal.  Whole healing foods do not include processed sugars, msg’s, preservatives, herbicides, and pesticides.

In America, 19% of children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. There is no blood test, brain scan or any other accurate method that confirms with absolute clarity to a doctor that your child does or does not have attention deficit. It is solely at the discretion of your doctor looking at your child during those few minutes of your appointment time, then telling you that your child needs to be on a lifetime supply of addictive liver-killing prescription medications that literally turn your child into someone nothing like who they really are. It’s very shocking that during this appointment, the doctor usually never asks what you feed your child.  Then the doctor–who is usually under the persuasion of pharmaceutical company representatives–gives your child what medications the pharmaceutical company recommends is good for them.

Why is it that in the United States 19% of children are diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, while in places such as France only 0.4% of children receive this diagnosis?  The difference is that the American diet includes massive amounts of unhealthy inflammatory oils, GMO grains, processed sugars, preservatives, food dyes and chemicals only an engineer could pronounce.  Just look at the labels of foods you buy and you will discover this is true.

In countries like France, the general population consumes real foods that are high in natural omega 3 saturated fats and other great nutrients from sources like raw grass-fed cheese, raw grass-fed unpasteurized dairy, unadulterated olive oils, real non-gmo grains, grass-fed meats, and plenty of fresh fruits, nuts, and vegetables.  American children spend their days sucking on Slurpee’s and gobbling down candy, processed cereals, and cheesy chips.

Wouldn’t you like to save tens of thousands of dollars on medical bills and at the same time have a healthy child who lives their life without pain and suffering, who is strong and in perfect health?  It’s not a scientific phenomenon folks.  It’s not something in your child’s brain.  It’s just what you feed them!

The American diet is a joke amongst the industrialized countries.  Most native cultures have superior health to the health of the typical American. Hope is not lost though.  We as parents can actually give our children the secret to life by teaching them to eat healthy and showing them how to do things like raising chickens, keeping bees, and growing gardens.  Get your children off the couch and away from the television and spend more time outdoors with them!  Do the natural things that we were intended to do including frequenting your local farmers market.

I hear the excuses already: not enough time in the day, ballgames, school projects, etc.  Just calculate the time you spend at doctor visits and other medical treatments for your children, not to mention the costs associated with it.  The money you spend there can easily be spent on real whole foods that will nourish your children to grow and become a healthy, strong, and brilliant human being.

Teaching your children the truth about health and nutrition will without a doubt be the best gift you will ever give them.

I sincerely care about you and the health of your family.


We have heard a lot lately about probiotics and the wonderful good health that is associated with them. Everywhere we look–from health food stores to gas stations–we see little bottles of pills and drinks that are called probiotics.  Our doctors, friends and magazine articles are touting the health benefits. Everyone you meet is excited about them, knowing they are good for you.  But do you really know what they are or what they do for your health?  Unfortunately, most people don’t.  They just take them because it’s the newest and most talked about thing in the marketplace.

Probiotics are microorganisms (live bacteria) that basically heal almost any disease the human body has.  How this works should be fairly simple, but in America, it seems that we just aren’t getting it right.  The usual answer:  gut bacteria.  Because of the great amount of antibiotics and processed refined foods that Americans eat, it’s a wonder that we are living as long as we are. In recent studies, it has been proven that the small intestine is 85% of your immune system. To put it bluntly most Americans have less than 15% of their immune system working in their bodies.  And we wonder why everyone is getting a disease.

A healthy gut controls everything from your brain cells to your thyroid.  When you drink a glass of raw unpasteurized kefir, your gut flora becomes saturated with billions of more healthy bacteria than when you just have pasteurized yogurt or milk.  This is great news for the folks who suffer daily from things like Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel disease.  Raw kefir is probably the only thing you’ll ever need again to heal those intestinal problems.

And with Kefir coming into the marketplace of America, please be sure and don’t be fooled by the brands sold in the marketplace.  It’s just not the same–sugared and processed kefir does not heal anything.

Isn’t it ironic how doctors just keep treating these diseases with medications that kill your gut bacteria and prevent you from healing in the first place?  I know from personal experience and those of dear friends that these real enzymes that mother nature put here on earth for us will actually heal our bodies.  I have experienced wonderful health from drinking it–everything from skyrocketing testosterone levels to excellent thyroid health has occurred in my body.

State-by-state you will find different laws for the distribution of raw unpasteurized dairy.  Most states allow it to be sold from private farmers (see rawmilkfinder.com).  And for all of those who are concerned about E. coli, you are 18 times more likely to get it from store-bought spinach!

To all of those who follow me, I wish to tell you that the things I do and the stories I give you have healed my body and given me the blood levels and body fat of a teenager.

I sincerely care about you and the health of your family.

Get healthy America!

I talk to good folks daily about their health, and one of the biggest concerns people ask me is how to lose body fat. They tell me about the hours spent on the treadmill and all the diet food they eat, without the hoped-for results. When I ask them what they eat, the biggest response I get is salads, hoping to help them lose weight.

If you are buying your foods from mega-giant fake food industries and trusting them for what is healthy, I’ll just tell you now and save your time: you won’t ever get healthy trusting them. The industrialized food industry doesn’t care if you are losing weight or not. Their main concern is just that you just keep buying their very addictive food products. That’s why I am teaching what really works to help you get well and get thin.

Let’s just take a quick look at something as simple as a store or restaurant salad with light dressing vs. the John Rankin Way salad. You might think that the salad you have been eating with a light dressing is very healthy and will take and keep weight off your body much better than the salad with all of the fat on it.  Good choice, right?

Well, this is where it gets tricky.  We’ve been told for years that these light salad dressings are very healthy for us. We’ve been conned by very bad conspiring people whose only concern is the profit margin for their shareholders at the cost of sickening millions of people with their inflammatory cancer-causing products.

Let’s take a look at the iceberg lettuce salad with croutons and light ranch dressing. There’s really not much to say about the greens in this salad because iceberg lettuce is mostly 95% water with very little fiber or minerals. So in other words, HARDLY ANY NUTRITION. As for the croutons, most are made from white flour with large amounts of inflammatory refined sodium, monosodium glutamate, and cooked in trans fats. These chemicals are very inflammatory and most surely will quickly add fat to your body.  As for the so-called healthy light ranch dressing, there are many problems you should be aware of.  First, the soybean oil used in production has been heated to extremely high temperatures which makes it inflammatory not to mention the questionable source from which it came. Sugar and monosodium glutamate are anything but light because they add extreme water retention (INFLAMMATION)  and body fat. The added sodium a heavily refined highly inflammatory sodium that causes even more fat and water retention in your body.  And we haven’t even mentioned the dozen or so more inflammatory ingredients on this label. WOW, and just when we thought it was healthy. It’s anything but healthy.  That salad dressing is actually causing disease because of all these inflammatory ingredients packed into it.

Now let’s jump over to the healer salad.  It is loaded with leafy green vegetables such as spinach–very high in zinc, niacin, iron, vitamin B-6, folate, thiamine, protein, potassium, magnesium, calcium, fiber, and vitamins E, K, C, and A.  The heart-healthy dark-colored olives are from a healthy monounsaturated fat which helps raise HDL (the good cholesterol that keeps your heart healthy) and is an antioxidant that stops oxidation in the bloodstream (no blood clots).  As with any food product, be very careful when you purchase olives because some food manufacturers will actually dye the olives. I know.  It just doesn’t seem right!  (That’s why I’m going to show you a lot of things these industrialized food companies are doing that are anything but right.)

The wild-caught salmon is loaded with selenium, niacin, B-12, D, protein, B-6, and phosphorus. It is also a super source of omega-3 fatty acids that are very heart-healthy. The raw unpasteurized goat cheese (that most people think will make you fat) will actually only aid to make you skinny. Studies have proven that it also helps stop allergies.  This powerful probiotic source creates healthy gut bacteria that are essential for the digestion of food. The onions are a very good source of vitamin B-6, iron, C, folate, potassium, vitamins E, K, C, A with a very good source of fiber,  not to mention the high anti-inflammatory effects they have on your body.  The garlic in my salad has phosphorus, iron, B-1, calcium, copper and a chemical called allicin which has been shown through many studies to aid in the prevention of colds and to lower your blood pressure as well as lowering total and LDL (bad) cholesterol and aid and prevent infectious diseases such as Alzheimer’s. And if that weren’t enough, last but not least is my very anti-inflammatory salad dressing:  extra virgin olive oil in which you will notice only one ingredient on the bottle–real pure olive oil.  This wonderful gift from mother nature is loaded with oleic acid and is a monounsaturated heart-healthy fat that will aid in lowering total and LDL cholesterol and also regulate blood sugar and insulin levels. And don’t be afraid to use several tablespoons on your salad.  Americans carefully drizzle olive oil, but the healthy Mediterraneans soak food in it.

So, folks, that’s the truth about what will help you get healthy vs. what you may have thought was helping you get healthy.  The sick salad–totally loaded with inflammatory chemicals–will not only make you fat but will cause everything from thyroid disease to heart disease through massive inflammation in your body. The healer salad is loaded with almost every healing ingredient and mineral known to mankind, making your body lean and preventing and curing everything from Alzheimer’s, heart disease, thyroid disease, diabetes, cancer, and of course arthritis.  All of these diseases are rooted in inflammation.  So eliminate inflammatory foods from your diet.  Add pure whole foods from mother nature.  And be well.

I sincerely care about you and the health of your family.


When you go grocery shopping do you usually stand in your grocery store’s egg aisle with your head spinning wondering which eggs to buy?  Most of us do because there usually are several prices to choose from, not to mention the labeling that gives the eggs a title anywhere from free range, caged, cage free, grass fed or even vitamin infused.

My first reaction would be to say never buy store-bought eggs again!

When I question people about the eggs they purchase and why they purchase that particular brand, they usually tell me because it’s supposed to be a really good egg and they can’t tell me why other than they remember seeing them on a television advertisement. AHH! Marketing!

I have news for you folks:  great marketing does not equal great healthy food. Actually it’s usually just the opposite. Well we certainly all know that we do not want eggs that come from caged chickens that sit in tiny 10″ boxes their whole life in a dark building eating antibiotics and growth hormones added to their diet of genetically modified corn and soybean meal.  But if you think you can just skip buying the eggs from those chickens and move on to the cage-free chickens, you’re not doing much better.

The 10,000 so called cage free chickens in the picture shown are laying anything but healthy eggs.  So then you might decide to pay the extra two dollars and buy the free-range eggs.   The egg producers have us believing these eggs come from chickens that are outside and eating what mother nature produces. Guess what– wrong again.

Federal regulations allow the producers to label their eggs free-range in the picture I show here with the 10,000 chickens.  They allow this label to be used when a man-sized door is left open at the end of the half-mile long chicken house. These chickens have had their wings and beaks clipped and would not go out the door if they were pushed out. They are crammed into buildings like sardines in a can, also eating pellets made from genetically modified corn and soybean meal with antibiotics and growth hormones. They are addicted to these high starch foods like mice in a cocaine study. The only vitamin D or any other vitamins they receive are from an unhealthy synthetic liver killing source. Most chickens that are fed this kind of diet end up with a good dose of liver disease.

So if you prefer to eat genetically modified starchy foods and antibiotics with synthetic vitamins, then store-bought eggs are definitely for you.

A healthy egg is an extremely great source of high quality protein–7 grams in each, loaded with natural vitamins such as lutein (which helps with age-related macular degeneration) and choline (which helps with brain development  and memory), being an especially great choice for pregnant women.

Eggs also have a very high source of selenium.  For healthy thyroid they have vitamin A, B 12, B2, phosphorus, B5 and folate. If you want to consume a wonderful natural source of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins, then I strongly recommend that you find a local farmer who sells real free-range eggs. There’s more of these guys around than you might think.  If you don’t know of any, head to your local farmers market and ask.  It is my recommendation that you start doing most of your  shopping with your local farmers, and don’t trust the mega fake food outlets.  And don’t forget to always take your children so they can learn young and stay healthy.  You will receive a great source of good health from all-natural eggs that come from chickens that eat what Mother Nature provides for them!

I sincerely care about you and the health of your family!

Get Healthy America!

Have you ever noticed while driving along through the countryside past cattle farms all of the tags with numbers on them attached to the ears of the cows?  I’m sure most of us have seen them over the years, and we may be under the impression that their sole purpose is to help the cattle farmer keep up with their own herd–something like branding.  Perhaps these tags have numbers stamped onto them to identify which ones they sell or keep and we assume that is all they are used for.  Well not exactly. They are insecticide tags.  And I’ll  give you just one guess where these chemicals end up.  Yep, right in your body’s bloodstream.

These insecticide tags are mainly mass-produced by chemical companies for the sole purpose of keeping flies away from livestock.  They are laced with dangerous insecticides with names such as diazinon and fenthion. The purpose of these ear tag chemicals is to leech out to areas just under the animal’s eyes and around the backside of their mouths. These are the areas that are actually meant to be treated because these are the areas where flies congregate and will disrupt the normal behavior of the animal.

Well folk’s–guess what a mouthful of chemically induced insecticide will do for the cow’s behavior?  This is not my theory.  Decades-old scientific studies actually prove that these chemicals are very dangerous and can cause everything from central nervous system to pancreatic and reproductive problems in cattle.  In humans these chemicals can cause everything from chest pain, anxiety, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, and headache, to hypertension, profuse sweating and muscle weakness. Does this sound like something you want your family to ingest from something as simple as a piece of store-bought beef?

Without a doubt, these chemicals leech into the eyes and mouth of the animal and into the bloodstream. Diazinon was actually taken off the market for residential use in the year 2004 because it was leeching into the groundwater and known to be very dangerous to humans.  But it is still in use today for cattle farming.  In the defense of some cattle farmers, they also have been conned by big chemical producers into believing through the local farm store that these insecticides are totally safe for humans.  So just how in the world did cattle survive prior to the introduction of chemically laced ear tags?  If confronted chemical factories would probably just try to convince us (as silly as it sounds) that there were no problems with flies back the old days!

I always like to refer back to the year 1700 when I talk about the food that I eat. For every decade since the beginning of time until recently, farmers have used birdhouses and gourds hanging all around their farms. They raised hundreds and thousands of bluebirds and purple martins that will eat every fly in sight. I am actually  personally acquainted with some of the older farmers who still use this method of eradicating bugs, and you will see dozens of gourds and birdhouses around their livestock and gardens–and no flies.  From this one little birdhouse (pictured) I have raised hundreds of these bug-eating birds that eat every fly in my yard and also on the cattle farm beside my home.

When I speak with farmers about this issue they inform me that yes it is true–the birds do the ultimate job.  Unfortunately, some of the younger new-generation farmers have been conned by big agriculture into believing there is no other way to save their cattle.  In their defense, I doubt they have ever been taught the old-fashioned ways.

Believe me when I say ONLY the old-fashioned way of farming and producing food heals.  Most of us have been taught information about what feedlots are feeding us for dinner.  Most of you, however, have no clue about the danger of these pesticide ear tags or the fact that some farmers spray or pour big buckets of pesticide over the backs of their cattle for bug eradication.  (If someone poured a gallon of dangerous chemical bug killer down your child’s back just how long do you think it would take for them to be diagnosed with cancer?)

As a parent, I urge you to look at not only the meat that you buy but study all food products you eat.  Learn where they come from and how they were produced before you feed it to your family.

I sincerely care about you and the health of your family.



East Tennessee Blackberry Cobbler


  • 3 c fresh blackberries (or 24 oz frozen blackberries)
  • 4 tbsp cornstarch
  • lemon juice
  • honey
  • 1/4 c whole wheat flour
  • 1/4 c whole oats
  • 1/4 c softened butter
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon


  • Combine blackberries and cornstarch. Pour into casserole dish and drizzle with the juice of one lemon and 3-4 tbsp honey.
  • To make topping mix whole wheat flour, whole oats, softened butter, 2 tbsp honey, and cinnamon. Mix all with hand mixer and pour over berries.
  • Bake one hour at 350. Enjoy this healthy sugar-less dessert! Delicious!

The one question my friends and acquaintances ask me the most is if I have a cheat day per week in my diet.  This question is one that could be  very confusing to them.  Most so-called nutritional experts–dietitians and doctors–will tell you it’s okay to have at least one cheat day per week.  And there is a reason that the good folks following their examples are not getting good health results or losing weight!

Several major university studies indicate that processed sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine. So if you were to tell a cocaine addict or an alcoholic they could have one cheat day every Saturday, just what do you think would happen when Sunday morning rolls around?  That’s right–the addiction will be back.  And don’t think for one second if processed sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine then you can just easily quit after that one cheat day.

Why would you want to spend six days eating healthy–getting inflammation and disease out of your body–just to put it back in for the weekend?  You want to be bloated and swollen up on Monday morning?   Cheat days do not work, anyone who tells you they do–regardless if they are a doctor or not–is only telling you this out of total ignorance or to pacify you. An addiction is an addiction and you cannot go back to it every Saturday of your life.

Let’s take a look at what most of us have for an afternoon snack vs. the John Rankin Way afternoon snack. My example  will show you how important it is not to eat inflammatory disease-causing foods, as well as what foods we should be eating on a daily basis. I call these late afternoon snacks my energy snacks.

Most of us cannot even make it home from work without stopping at a convenience store (what I call poison center!)  This is usually the case for most of you who do not eat a well-balanced healthy lunch.  If this is the case then by afternoon your liver and pancreas are screaming for the same processed sugar you had a few hours earlier.  It just so happens that we see more and more doughnut stores opening almost daily all over America. And why not–there is a huge demand (addiction) for them.

If you are having a late afternoon donut-type snack, then you are eating disease-causing pure white bleached flour, loads of processed sugar and high fructose corn syrup, inflammatory sodium, MSG, and ugly chemicals like emulsifiers, thickeners, dyes and trans fats. The chemicals found in commercial doughnuts have been found to raise bad LDL cholesterol levels and lower the healthy HDL cholesterol level.  The soft drink that you have with your afternoon junk food is loaded with high fructose corn syrup, carbonation, phosphoric acid and usually high amounts of caffeine. Folks, this kind of snack translates to diabetes or a heart attack coming your way soon.

One of my favorite afternoon snacks includes 100% pure cranberry juice, unrefined garlic kimchi fermented in unrefined salt, all-natural organic kalamata olives from Greece, fermented root vegetable kimchi, and raw unpasteurized goat cheese. The garlic has vitamin B1, iron, phosphorus, copper, calcium, and is very good for colds, blood pressure and lowering total and LDL bad cholesterol and also great for infectious diseases and helping to prevent Alzheimer’s. The root vegetable kimchi Is loaded with the same only much more energy boosting anti-inflammatory and natural blood thinning effects. The olives in my snack are a super antioxidant, stopping oxidation in the bloodstream and consequently stopping plaque and preventing blood clots.  They are a healthy saturated fat that will aid in raising you vital good HDL cholesterol. As for the goat cheese, like any grass-fed raw cheese it helps tremendously with allergies and adds healthy probiotic gut bacteria that helps with the digestion of food (Meaning no more bad gut issues.)  It also has vitamins D, B, C and is loaded with natural calcium, K2  and thyroid building iodine.

What all this means is that the sick-making snack will do just that. It will cause massive inflammation in your body which will create every disease known to mankind. The John Rankin’s Way snack will tremendously decrease disease-causing inflammation in our bodies while giving us awesome amounts of energy, good cholesterol and heart healthy thyroid building fats.

It all boils down to who and what you want to be folks:  the sick pill- popping fat person lying on the couch eating doughnuts–or the lean healthy person doing cartwheels.  Diet is just like everything else in life–it’s a choice and we have to make it.  We can make a good choice or a bad choice–it’s that easy.  And oh yeah, what most people think is my too-expensive snack actually cost less than the disease causing junk food snack.

I sincerely care about you and the health of your family.