God’s Bug Spray

Have you ever noticed while driving along through the countryside past cattle farms all of the tags with numbers on them attached to the ears of the cows?  I’m sure most of us have seen them over the years, and we may be under the impression that their sole purpose is to help the cattle farmer keep up with their own herd–something like branding.  Perhaps these tags have numbers stamped onto them to identify which ones they sell or keep and we assume that is all they are used for.  Well not exactly. They are insecticide tags.  And I’ll  give you just one guess where these chemicals end up.  Yep, right in your body’s bloodstream.

These insecticide tags are mainly mass-produced by chemical companies for the sole purpose of keeping flies away from livestock.  They are laced with dangerous insecticides with names such as diazinon and fenthion. The purpose of these ear tag chemicals is to leech out to areas just under the animal’s eyes and around the backside of their mouths. These are the areas that are actually meant to be treated because these are the areas where flies congregate and will disrupt the normal behavior of the animal.

Well folk’s–guess what a mouthful of chemically induced insecticide will do for the cow’s behavior?  This is not my theory.  Decades-old scientific studies actually prove that these chemicals are very dangerous and can cause everything from central nervous system to pancreatic and reproductive problems in cattle.  In humans these chemicals can cause everything from chest pain, anxiety, diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, and headache, to hypertension, profuse sweating and muscle weakness. Does this sound like something you want your family to ingest from something as simple as a piece of store-bought beef?

Without a doubt, these chemicals leech into the eyes and mouth of the animal and into the bloodstream. Diazinon was actually taken off the market for residential use in the year 2004 because it was leeching into the groundwater and known to be very dangerous to humans.  But it is still in use today for cattle farming.  In the defense of some cattle farmers, they also have been conned by big chemical producers into believing through the local farm store that these insecticides are totally safe for humans.  So just how in the world did cattle survive prior to the introduction of chemically laced ear tags?  If confronted chemical factories would probably just try to convince us (as silly as it sounds) that there were no problems with flies back the old days!

I always like to refer back to the year 1700 when I talk about the food that I eat. For every decade since the beginning of time until recently, farmers have used birdhouses and gourds hanging all around their farms. They raised hundreds and thousands of bluebirds and purple martins that will eat every fly in sight. I am actually  personally acquainted with some of the older farmers who still use this method of eradicating bugs, and you will see dozens of gourds and birdhouses around their livestock and gardens–and no flies.  From this one little birdhouse (pictured) I have raised hundreds of these bug-eating birds that eat every fly in my yard and also on the cattle farm beside my home.

When I speak with farmers about this issue they inform me that yes it is true–the birds do the ultimate job.  Unfortunately, some of the younger new-generation farmers have been conned by big agriculture into believing there is no other way to save their cattle.  In their defense, I doubt they have ever been taught the old-fashioned ways.

Believe me when I say ONLY the old-fashioned way of farming and producing food heals.  Most of us have been taught information about what feedlots are feeding us for dinner.  Most of you, however, have no clue about the danger of these pesticide ear tags or the fact that some farmers spray or pour big buckets of pesticide over the backs of their cattle for bug eradication.  (If someone poured a gallon of dangerous chemical bug killer down your child’s back just how long do you think it would take for them to be diagnosed with cancer?)

As a parent, I urge you to look at not only the meat that you buy but study all food products you eat.  Learn where they come from and how they were produced before you feed it to your family.

I sincerely care about you and the health of your family.