Can Blueberries Really Prevent Heart Disease and Cancer?

How many of us take advantage of consuming fresh blueberries during the summer months when they are fresh right off the vine?  As with any fruit or vegetable fresh homegrown is always best for flavor and health. Blueberries are loaded with a generous amount of Mother Nature’s natural antioxidants.

The fiber in blueberries helps to absorb bad cholesterol from your body through your colon–which lowers your chance for heart disease. Blueberries also have the highest amount of antioxidants of all fruits. These antioxidants include anthocyanin, potassium, manganese, folate, vitamin C, E, A, B-6, K, iron, zinc, and selenium. All of these will promote a very healthy immune system that will help to prevent heart diseasecancer and something as simple as the seasonal flu.

I’m personally not a calorie counter but for those of you who are, blueberries are low in calories. The antioxidants in blueberries are called flavonoids and these also help to raise HDL (good cholesterol).

Blueberries also kill those cell-damaging free radicals in our bodies. Current studies show when free radicals in the bloodstream are wiped out by these antioxidants, oxidation (plaque) is reduced in your arteriesblood pressure drops to healthy levels and the risk of a fatal heart attack is tremendously reduced.

So you ask, “if I can just eat real foods like blueberries and possibly stop taking dangerous drugs then why hasn’t anyone told me?”  Well, don’t expect to hear these truths at your local medical center!  I’m telling you now folks.  It’s simple!!! Park your potato chips and get some fresh fruit– preferably from local farmers.  Then watch your blood test results change for the better!

I also understand the pain some family’s have at the grocery store checkout when a very small package of berries can break the family shopping budget. For that reason, you should take just a couple of hours and head to your local blueberry farm and pick your own. Besides the fact you will be teaching your children the truth about real food, you can pick a year’s worth and freeze them to eat all winter. You also will purchase them for a fraction of the cost of what the mega-giant fake food stores charge you.

And did I mention the out of this world delicious flavor that comes with them?  Always remember what you buy in a grocery store and what you pick is never the same. Not even close!! Blueberry orchards are in every town across the country and can easily be found via farmer’s markets or the internet.

Do your blood tests results a favor and search for some today.

I sincerely care about you and the health of your family.